The Forward March of Time: How Your Teeth Shift as You Age
As the years go by, we all experience changes in our bodies. Our hair grays, our skin wrinkles, and even our teeth undergo transformations. It might not be as obvious as the first two, but if you take a closer look, you'll notice that your teeth…

3 Questions To Ask When Choosing An Orthodontist
Here at Surf City Smiles Orthodontics, we want our patients to feel informed and empowered from their first appointment to the last. Choosing to improve your oral health with orthodontic treatment is a big decision because it affects your whole…

The Truth About Invisalign
Thanks to today’s technology, today’s braces have come a long way. They feature smaller brackets, a more subtle appearance, and are more lightweight than they’ve ever been. Despite the transformation, however, many teens and adults are…

Is Invisalign Worth It?
It can be both exciting and slightly overwhelming to learn that you or your child need orthodontic treatment. If you aren’t familiar with orthodontics, you may not be sure what to expect from the journey ahead. Many patients automatically…

Leave A Lasting Impression With A Beautiful Smile
Here at Surf City Smiles, we want to help all of our patients live up to their fullest potential. Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, and it’s also the feature they most easily recall, which is just one reason why…

Your First Visit at Surf City Smiles
Here at Surf City Smiles, we believe the orthodontic process should be fun, rewarding, and as stress-free as possible. That begins the moment you walk through our door! We know that taking the first steps towards a healthier smile can be equal…

Touch-Up Treatment For Adults
Nothing says “celebrate” quite like the day your braces comes off or you use your last aligner. At last, all your hard work and dedication have paid off, and you’ve got a healthier, straighter smile to show for it. You leave the orthodontist’s…

All About Invisalign
Thanks to the incredible advances technology has made in recent years, the field of orthodontics has come along in leaps and bounds. When combined with state-of-the-art techniques, these innovative options allow us to offer our patients treatment…

Back-to-school Survival Guide for Braces
With the first official day of fall only a few weeks away, most kids are heading back to school soon. For children and teens undergoing orthodontic treatment, there’s no better time to review proper braces care during the school day! This…

Why Your Child Should See An Orthodontist By Age 7
Many people tend to associate orthodontics with teenagers in bulky braces, so it can come as a bit of a surprise to learn that the American Association of Orthodontists recommends all kids have their first orthodontic evaluation by around the…